Colorado Coalition for Restorative Justice Practices

Join us in advancing restorative justice practices in Colorado

Building Colorado’s Restorative Justice Practices Community


The Colorado Coalition for Restorative Justice Practices (CCRJP) brings together practitioners of restorative work from across the state. We believe that the stronger our Colorado restorative justice community is, the stronger and more far-reaching our work will be. If you are interested in joining in a large, diverse and vibrant network of restorative practitioners, contact us today! We’d like to meet you!

“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”

— Coretta Scott King



CCRJP is a membership organization designed to bring restorative justice practitioners together in community. CCRJP hosts quarterly networking events, a wide range of communities of practice, and supports our members who are working to advance the field in a variety of capacities. CCRJP encourages those engaged in restorative work to join us today and get involved!

Membership Benefits

Capacity Building



Restorative Justice & Racial Justice RJ²

Communities of Practice

Always Expanding the Circle

We value people of all racial and ethnic backgrounds, LGBTIQA2S+ folk, people who are differently-abled, have varying education and socioeconomic levels, those who practice in geographically diverse areas, and all people with diverse experience, perspectives, identities, backgrounds and beliefs. In the spirit of inclusion, equal voice, access to participation and engagement, CCRJP would like to welcome you to our ever-expanding circle of restorative work.

Recent Article

Rooting Forward with Right Use of Power and Amanda Aguilera

CCRJP's Outreach Committee hosted another RJ2+ Event, a series of events intended to highlight the intersections of restorative justice, racial...

CCRJP is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization formed to support and promote the use of Restorative Justice Practices (RJP) in the state of Colorado. Dues and donations go to support capacity building and network building that enables RJ to grow in Colorado.