Colorado Coalition for Restorative Justice Practices
Join us in advancing restorative justice practices in Colorado
What is CCRJP?
Restorative values teach us that relationships are the thread that holds everything together, and building stronger relationships is what CCRJP is all about.
We strive to provide a community for restorative justice practitioners whose work may look different in a lot of ways, but who can find common ground in the values that bring us together. If you are looking for a community of restorative justice folx to support you in your practice, you have come to the right place.
As a statewide membership organization, CCRJP exists to support the common interests of restorative justice practices in Colorado by
Offering Networking Opportunities
Conducting Public Education and Outreach
Promoting Best Practices
Engaging in Capacity-Building: training; technical assistance; governance support; mentoring
Providing representation to the Colorado Restorative Justice, Coordinating Council according, to state statute
*Colorado Coalition for Restorative Justice Practices (CCRJP). CCRJP is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit
Our Values
CCRJP and its members work collaboratively across sectors to develop and strengthen restorative justice
practices in Colorado.
CCRJP and its members build relationships based on principles of respect, inclusivity, openness, curiosity, compassion and humanity.
Within CCRJP and as its representatives, members commit to building, maintaining and repairing relationships restoratively.
For more on our shared agreements, principles and policy, please visit our CCRJP HARM PROCESS GUIDANCE.
CCRJP and its members maintain fidelity to restorative justice best practices as defined by the Colorado Restorative Justice Practitioner Guidelines
CCRJP is open to and inclusive of all voices and perspectives within CCRJP and of those we serve.
Our Purpose
To connect, inspire, nourish and listen to restorative justice practitioners from across the state of Colorado so that they may be more supported in their advancement of restorative practices.
Cristina Cabeza
Executive Director
Board Of Directors
Ramone Sanders
Nathan Eagan
Mary Rhoades
Abby Whipple
Luke Yoder
Denise Lord
Rachel Larsen Fike
Lindsey Frischer
Eric Lee